Spotnails DSP779 Kihlberg 779 Carton Closing Plier Stapler

Spotnails DSP779 Pneumatic Carton Closing Plier Stapler, JK779 Type

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Spotnails DSP779 Carton Closing Plier Stapler

For Use With: Kihlberg 779 series, Duo-Fast 64 65, Haubold D90, Spotnails 95506 95508 95509 95510, and other 1/2" Crown 19 Gauge Staples

Spotnails DSP779

Clinch Stapler


Applications:Carton Closing, Fastening Corrugated Packaging, Packaging

Tool Specifications:

Stock Number: DSP779
Height: 10-1/4″
Length: 14″
Width: 2″
Weight: 4 lbs. 8 oz.
Fastener Range: 3/8″ – 5/8″
Magazine Capacity: 102

Operating Air Pressure: 30 – 40 p.s.i.” you must 0 the regulator before plugging tool into compressed air

Fastener Types: Spotnails 95000 (Similar to JK779)

Stock # Length Finish
95506 3/8" Galvanized
95508 1/2" Galvanized
95509 9/16" Galvanized
95510 5/8" Galvanized


BeA Brand Staples

Stock # Length Finish
JK 779-10 NK 3/8" Galvanized
JK 779-12 NK 1/2" Galvanized
JK 779-16 NK 5/8" Galvanized

dsp 777